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Laser Hair Removal with New York Laser Clinic

Laser Hair Removal with New York Laser Clinic

Recently, I’ve been lucky enough to try out laser hair removal with the New York Laser Clinic! I went down to their Baker Street clinic two weeks ago for a consultation with a test patch, followed by the first treatment a few days later.

I’ve only had the first treatment out of four, so I can’t say much about the lasting effects or regrowth yet – I’ll make sure to update after I’ve had all the treatments – but I can explain the process, and my experience with the first treatment.

I decided to have my bikini area done, which may seem a bit crazy considering I’ve never had laser hair removal before, but it really wasn’t anything to worry about at all. The New York Laser Clinic staff are very friendly, and it’s a very welcoming, relaxing atmosphere to be in, I wasn’t anxious at all while waiting for my treatment.

The questionnaire before you undergo laser hair removal is very thorough, and the lady who carried out my test patch and consultation explained everything to me perfectly.

They’ve been voted the top laser clinic in London for the past 10 years, and have carried out over 200,000 treatments with state-of-the-art technology, so I knew I was in safe hands.

How does laser hair removal work?

To prepare, make sure you shave 24 hours beforehand, and avoid sunlight on the area to reduce sensitivity. You’ll be wearing pink sunglasses because of the light flashes produced by the laser.

It’s a very fast treatment, even for larger areas like legs, and you’ll be absolutely fine to go home straight away (avoiding hot baths and showers for the following 24 hours). My skin was a little red and sensitive, so I skipped yoga that day, but it wasn’t sore at all.

Of course, they can’t claim that the results are permanent, because every individual is different, and some people may need more treatments than others, but I was told to expect an almost complete reduction in hair growth, which may be between 80 and 100%.

It’s an investment that’ll last your lifetime, so I definitely want to get my legs done at some point, it’ll save me money (and time) overall from buying razors, shaving cream, and waxes. I’d like to get my legs done in Autumn/Winter, knowing that I’ll need to keep them out of the sun before treatments. For another quick testimonial, my Mum had her lower legs done, and her hair is barely growing back at all.

Did it hurt?

Personally, I didn’t think it hurt at all, and it’s a very fast process. The laser selects a patch of hair at a time (not individual hair follicles as I’d previously thought), so my entire bikini area took only around 10 minutes.

When the lady said it was done, I was so surprised! In some areas, it was a sort of stinging feeling (because of the sensitive location), but it wasn’t painful, especially compared to having tattoos, piercings, and waxing! Hollywood bikini waxes are the worst pain ever, I don’t know why I endured that torture before now.

Laser Hair Removal with New York Laser Clinic

Am I suitable for laser hair removal?

I have pale skin with dark hair, which is ideal for laser hair removal because it picks up the pigment well.

The New York Laser Clinic offer free consultations, so if you’re worried about your hair being too light, you can head on down and find out, as well as experience what it feels like with a test patch. My Mum’s skin tone is darker than mine (gorgeously olive-toned thanks to those Italian genes), and it’s working great on her.

How many treatments do I need?

I’m having four treatments, which should apparently remove most of the hair. I may need one or two treatments after that, as the New York Laser Clinic recommend having around six, but I’m starting out with four to see what the results are from that.

My treatments are every six weeks, in order to catch the hair in each stage of growth, and while it’s not a quick process overall, it’ll certainly be effective, and you’re allowed to shave in between (I was told not to wax though).

They offer a lot of discounts for purchasing multiple sessions of different areas, for example, an individual standard bikini line session would be £69 (£99 for extended bikini line / Brazilian, or £129 for full Hollywood), whereas 6 sessions are £207, saving 50% – remember that you’ll need multiple sessions to see results anyway.

If you have any questions about my experience or laser hair removal, make sure to leave a comment (or send me an email if you want to talk privately), meanwhile check out New York Laser Clinic’s website, it’s very informative.

If you’re interested in having laser hair removal in London, they have clinics in Baker Street, Bishopsgate and Fulham, I’d certainly recommend it.

Have you had laser hair removal?

Thanks for reading,


*I received this treatment in exchange for a review, but this blog post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own.


  1. I have always been interested about this, I have recently discovered the epilator though which is amazing for hair removal! x

  2. I’ve been thinking about this for a while – I probably should get up the courage and book a consultation!

    NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Lifestyle Blog

  3. Fantastic post! I’ve been thinking about getting my legs done for so long. Shaving drives me nuts and can be annoying when I’m abroad for longer than a few days (thank you fast growing stubble)
    I will definitely look into this Clinic as you had such a great experience. Look forward to seeing updates on how you get on!

    Tamsyn Elizabeth
    Peaches and Bear

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