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My Vinyl Record Collection

My Vinyl Record Collection

I wrote a blog post a while back about my vinyl collection, a year since I started collecting records.

My collection has recently surpassed 50 records, so I thought I’d take some pictures to show you all. It took quite a while to lay them all out on my bed (and even longer to put them away), but it was totally worth it because the pictures look… pretty cool.


You can see most of my collection in the pictures, but generally, I have a lot of Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Nirvana, Billy Idol and Dire Straits. I also have some modern records like Halsey, Lorde and Green Day.

I’m trying to get my favourite albums from each artist/band I like (I’ve managed to get every Nirvana album though because I’m a total Kurt Cobain fangirl).

Examples include Goo by Sonic Youth, Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, AM by the Arctic Monkeys and Sigh No More by Mumford & Sons.

I also have a couple of jazz and classical music records, they’re amazing to listen to while studying.

The Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack is also pretty awesome, and I totally need to get the Star Wars one!


If you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel, you’d know that I post videos showing my vinyl, but in case you haven’t it, I’ve featured my collection video below.

I uploaded that video a few months ago, so my collection has gotten a fair amount bigger since then, but it remains my most popular YouTube video.

I still have so many records on my vinyl wishlist (I don’t have any Rolling Stones yet!!), but I’m trying to save money so I won’t be buying any more right now.

Do you collect vinyl records?

Thanks for reading,



  1. Wow, you have an amazing collection! I’ve recently started collecting vinyls and have a few soundtracks in my collection, including the AC/DC Iron Man soundtrack and Guardians of the Galaxy. I know this is an older post, but did you get Suicide Squad on vinyl? It’s such a great soundtrack!

    I love that you buy your favourite albums by each artist on vinyl and this is definitely something I want to do myself. It looks like we share some of the same taste in music.

  2. Such a big and amazing collection!! You have collected all my favorite records collection. I would suggest you, have a visit to Dutch Vinyl Record Store In Melbourne. You may buy some more lovely records from their and increase your superb collection!!

  3. Woah what an amazing collection!! I’ve been collecting records since six months now, and haven’t regretted it once! It gives an album a whole new life. Listening to a song on vinyl is a completely different experience than listening to it on spotify.
    (just found out about your blog and love it already!)


  4. Ok so the fact you collect records is freaking AWESOME! I love it girl. It makes me want to collect vinyl now too! You have amazing taste in music!

  5. Wow! You collection is certainly something to be proud of. I find vinyl sounds so much nicer than CD’s or downloads x

  6. I collect vinyl but your collection puts mine to shame! I’m very impressed and jealous xx

    Thrifty vintage fashion

  7. I have seen this becoming more popular these days collectiing vinyl records. I have never thought about collection them no but loving your collection.

  8. Great collection we definitely share music tastes. Oddly enough though my favourite out of your collection has to be Pure heroine. Such a great album with no weak tracks.

    Would love to see more posts like this!

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