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Self-Improvement Ideas I’d Like To Try

With this recent New Moon in Scorpio centred around renewal and self-improvement, I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how I can improve my mental and physical existence. Sounds deep, I know. Here are some self-improvement ideas I’ve been thinking about trying out – some I can do now, and others for the future.

tutti rouge bodysuit back


I have an autoimmune disease called lupus. It mainly affects my joints, and while I find that Bikram yoga can be effective, it does exhaust me.

My rheumatologist recommended trying out the London School of Osteopathy, and with £23 appointments for students, it’s something I really should get around to. I’m hoping they can give me valuable advice on which stretches and exercises I can do to ease the joint pain during a flare. When I do give it a go, I’ll make sure to write about how it goes!

Laser Eye Surgery

This is something I’ve wanted for years. As technology improves, it’s probably a good thing that I can’t afford this at the moment… who knows how laser eye surgery could change in the future!

I don’t mind wearing glasses too much, and people always say they suit me, but I just want to be able to wake up in the morning and see. Or go to a 3d movie without having to mess around with contact lenses. Or go swimming without having to wipe my glasses every second.

A Haircut from a Curly Hair Specialist

One thing I’ve never had is a haircut by someone who actually specialises in curls. I have the typical childhood curly girl horror stories featuring hairdressers who couldn’t cope with the tangles, resulting in blowdrying or straightening out my curls before cutting them off… since then, I’ve generally avoided haircuts like the plague. 

When I have some money in the bank, I’d like to have what curly girls call a ‘diva cut’, as I’ve heard amazing things about these hairdressers who really understand curls.


I had laser hair removal on my downstairs area (!) a few years ago, which had great results and wasn’t as painful as you’d think! Since then, I’ve been interested in trying out other kinds of laser treatment, and one that I keep hearing about is CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting is a way of ‘fat freezing’ using lasers, permanently destroying fat cells in stubborn areas that won’t disappear with exercise. There are many treatable areas, for example, your thighs, hips or stomach, but personally, I’d want it under my chin. I’ve always had an annoying bit of fat under my chin – I wouldn’t describe it quite as a ‘double chin’, but I’d love to get rid of it and have a more defined jawline.

The main reason I’m drawn to this treatment is that it’s pain-free, needle-free, and only takes about 45 minutes. If I were to try this, I’d go with CoolSculpting Treatments London, which is run by Pulse Light Clinic – they have 17 years of skincare experience, free consultations, and 0% finance options. Best of all, it only requires one treatment (unlike laser hair removal), and there’s absolutely no downtime with permanent results. If you’d like more info, CoolSculpting London have a great ‘How It Works’ page.

self-improvement ideas: a minimal wardrobe.

Decluttering my Wardrobe

I’m very good at keeping my makeup to a minimum, as I typically just fill in my eyebrows and powder my nose on a daily basis. One thing I’m not good at, however, is keeping my wardrobe minimalistic.

I fully acknowledge that I have a ridiculous amount of clothes… at least I’m self-aware, right?

I donated loads of clothes to Oxfam in the summer, and I’m planning to sell more on eBay with a percentage of the money towards the Lupus UK charity. I’ve been very good at not buying any new clothes over the past year (only a few vintage / charity shop finds!), and I’d like to keep it that way.

A Wellness Centre

I had an email pop up in my inbox last month about Sadhana Wellness, a wonderful place offering all sorts of wellness, mindfulness and self-improvements treatments.

Think various types of yoga, massages, strength workouts, meditation, but also nutrition and psychology! Their main centre is Clapham, but they’ve recently opened a location in Dalston, so I’ll be checking that out ASAP.

Have you tried any of these self-improvement ideas? I’d love to know!

- Emily

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