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47 Self-Care Ideas for Every Mood

Feeling creative, active, reflective, or simply bored? Here you’ll find the perfect self-care idea for any mood.

When it comes to self-care, one size does not fit all. Our needs and preferences can change depending on our mood and energy levels.

The key is to have a toolbox of self-care practices at the ready so you can address your needs in the moment!

With that in mind, I’ve created a list of self-care activities to try, tailored for your current mood.

    creative self care

    Feeling Creative

    1. Drawing & doodling.
    2. Paint something!
    3. Try your hand at sewing or embroidery.
    4. Creative Writing
    5. Write a poem.
    6. Photography.
    7. Create a collage or moodboard on Canva.
    self care gaming

    Feeling Bored

    1. Play a new video game. If you don’t have a gaming console, look at mobile games in the app store.
    2. Play a board game with the people you live with.
    3. Learn something new. Sign up for Skillshare, or watch YouTube tutorials.
    4. Read a book you’ve had on your reading list or shelf for ages.
    5. Discover new music artists in your favourite genres.
    6. Watch a movie you’ve not seen before.
    7. Bake something.
    8. Do a sudoku, crossword, or another brain-engaging puzzle.
    active self care

    Feeling Active

    1. Explore a local area you’ve not visited before.
    2. Go jogging in the park, and count how many dogs you see.
    3. Go swimming.
    4. Dance to your favourite music.
    5. Go trampolining.
    6. Deep-clean your home.
    7. Go to a museum and explore their latest exhibit.
    reflective self care

    Feeling Reflective

    1. Write in your journal.
    2. Create a gratitude list.
    3. Think about your goals for the next 6 months, year, and 5 years. Are you taking steps to achieve them, no matter how small?
    4. Contemplate your values: does your work and personal life reflect them? If not, think about ways you can align with your values more.
    5. Create a scrapbook page from a recent outing you enjoyed.
    6. Spend time in nature.

    Feeling Lonely

    1. Meet a friend for a coffee.
    2. Call a friend or family member that brings you joy. Don’t call someone who brings you down.
    3. Spend time with animals. If you don’t have pets, there are apps for looking after other people’s dogs, or you could visit a cat cafe if there are any nearby.
    4. Join a community relating to your hobbies, for example, gaming, reading, or crafting. These can be in-person or online such as on Discord.
    5. Put a Twitch stream on in the background to feel less alone.
    mindfulness self care

    Feeling Frazzled

    1. Remind yourself that you cannot do everything. Prioritize the things you actually need to do.
    2. Create a brain dump: a list of everything you’re thinking about or stressing about.
    3. Try to look at what you’re stressing about from the perspective of someone else. Is it worth getting so worried about?
    4. Practice mindfulness meditation.
    5. Talk over your problems with someone you trust.
    6. Try aromatherapy.
    7. Practice deep breathing.
    self care bath

    Feeling Tired

    1. Listen to an audiobook.
    2. Take a bath.
    3. Have a nap.
    4. Listen to a podcast.
    5. Watch your favourite movie.
    6. Listen to music.
    7. Stretch your body.

    Get the checklist

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    47 self-care activities for every mood

    I hope you found this helpful. Self-care is so important, please take care of yourself – no matter what mood you’re in!

    All the best,

    - Emily

    More Self-Care Activities & Ideas

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